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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 19

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 19

Rank Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
361 503 University of Rhode Island 88.92 86.67 (2.6%)
362 732 Murray State University 88.88 83.18 (6.8%)
363 355 Central College 88.86 89.20 (0.4%)
364 297 Stony Brook University 88.86 90.07 (1.3%)
365 546 University of Nebraska at Kearney 88.85 85.84 (3.5%)
366 1235 Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University 88.84 75.56 (17.6%)
367 N/A Mid-South Christian College 88.83 Not Available
368 353 Le Moyne College 88.82 89.23 (0.5%)
369 237 West Chester University of Pennsylvania 88.78 91.47 (2.9%)
370 522 Gannon University 88.77 86.27 (2.9%)
371 295 University of Mississippi 88.77 90.09 (1.5%)
372 331 University of Vermont 88.69 89.54 (0.9%)
373 446 University of Arizona 88.67 87.43 (1.4%)
374 814 University of Saint Joseph 88.66 81.95 (8.2%)
375 498 Freed-Hardeman University 88.66 86.85 (2.1%)
376 347 Seton Hall University 88.62 89.25 (0.7%)
377 325 CUNY Bernard M Baruch College 88.60 89.64 (1.2%)
378 447 Millsaps College 88.59 87.40 (1.4%)
379 668 Baldwin Wallace University 88.58 84.04 (5.4%)
380 109 Yeshiva University 88.56 94.80 (6.6%)

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