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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 6

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 6

Rank Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
101 2 Stanford University 95.07 99.92 (4.9%)
102 155 Thomas Aquinas College 95.04 93.67 (1.5%)
103 73 St Olaf College 95.03 95.97 (1.0%)
104 84 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 95.02 95.48 (0.5%)
105 135 University of Florida 95.00 94.13 (0.9%)
106 148 Rochester Institute of Technology 94.97 93.92 (1.1%)
107 151 Principia College 94.91 93.77 (1.2%)
108 101 Gonzaga University 94.91 95.12 (0.2%)
109 626 Divine Word College 94.90 84.63 (12.1%)
110 104 Washington University in St Louis 94.88 95.03 (0.2%)
111 123 Baylor University 94.85 94.43 (0.4%)
112 113 Illinois Institute of Technology 94.79 94.64 (0.2%)
113 82 Case Western Reserve University 94.74 95.65 (0.9%)
114 60 Gustavus Adolphus College 94.73 96.36 (1.7%)
115 144 University of Massachusetts-Amherst 94.72 94.01 (0.8%)
116 138 Providence College 94.71 94.09 (0.7%)
117 282 St Lawrence University 94.71 90.35 (4.8%)
118 90 Soka University of America 94.70 95.40 (0.7%)
119 184 University of North Carolina School of the Arts 94.70 92.96 (1.9%)
120 232 Hobart William Smith Colleges 94.69 91.56 (3.4%)

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