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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Enrollment - Page 14

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Enrollment - Page 14

Rank Highest Enrollment
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
261 280 CUNY Bernard M Baruch College 18,029 17,505 (3.0%)
262 285 SUNY at Albany 17,944 17,338 (3.5%)
263 211 Glendale Community College 17,942 20,872 (14.0%)
264 291 Modesto Junior College 17,908 17,084 (4.8%)
265 255 Grossmont College 17,835 18,618 (4.2%)
266 310 University of Rhode Island 17,777 16,387 (8.5%)
267 320 Binghamton University 17,768 16,077 (10.5%)
268 232 University of Hawaii at Manoa 17,710 20,006 (11.5%)
269 229 Los Angeles Pierce College 17,664 20,080 (12.0%)
270 311 California State University-Chico 17,578 16,356 (7.5%)
271 181 San Antonio College 17,573 23,004 (23.6%)
272 293 Bowling Green State University-Main Campus 17,540 16,958 (3.4%)
273 326 West Chester University of Pennsylvania 17,527 15,845 (10.6%)
274 261 Vincennes University 17,481 18,383 (4.9%)
275 176 Nassau Community College 17,406 23,318 (25.4%)
276 263 Stanford University 17,381 18,346 (5.3%)
277 131 DeVry University-Illinois 17,364 26,851 (35.3%)
278 295 University of Miami 17,331 16,935 (2.3%)
279 298 CUNY New York City College of Technology 17,269 16,860 (2.4%)
280 330 Baylor University 17,217 15,616 (10.3%)

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